Setting up your school calendar/activities on the SchoolNotion app
By SchoolNotion @schoolnotion
Start by downloading an Excel template from the app (which you can modify to suit your school’s activities), after which you'll then upload it to the app.
Download Excel template
1.Go to the control panel on the SchoolNotion app;
2. Click on School Calendar/Activities;
3. Click on the three dots at the top-right of the page.
4. Select Download Excel Template
The file is downloaded to your device. Open it and modify it to suit your school's activities.
Uploading the calendar to the app
1.Go to the control panel on the SchoolNotion app;
2. Click on School Calendar/Activities;
3. Click on ‘Upload File’ to upload the file;
Note: There is an Excel Sample that you can download as a guide to help you fill in the Excel template.